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Detroit man charged with allegedly burying his dog alive

Detroit man charged with allegedly burying his dog alive

In Detroit, Michigan, the man who allegedly buried his dog alive seven months ago, because his new apartment would not allow dogs, has...
Pitiful pup laid under a mobile home and everyone ignored him until a Good Samaritan reached out for help

Pitiful pup laid under a mobile home and everyone ignored him until a Good Samaritan reached out for help

In Cleveland, Texas, it’s sad to report that animal neglect and abuse is not unusual. It’s even sadder to report that few animal...
Two teens arrested in Oklahoma City in connection to disturbing animal abuse video

Two teens arrested in Oklahoma City in connection to disturbing animal abuse video

In Oklahoma City, police have arrested two teens in connection to a disturbing online video showing the juveniles punching, kicking and throwing two...
Update: Pup found with mouth bound shut with rubber band making heartwarming recovery

Update: Pup found with mouth bound shut with rubber band making heartwarming recovery

It was less than 48 hours ago, when 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades of Florida came to the rescue of a 10-pound terrier found...
Family adopts ‘unicorn dog’ who endured rough life shortly before she was scheduled to be euth’ed

Family adopts ‘unicorn dog’ who endured rough life shortly before she was scheduled to be euth’ed

For a sweet dog who just loves everyone she meets, even though her previous life had been filled with abuse and neglect, Strawberry’s...
Shepherd’s epic trek across 150 miles of frozen ice and scuffle with polar bear returns to owner

Shepherd’s epic trek across 150 miles of frozen ice and scuffle with polar bear returns to owner

In Gambell, Alaska, a one-year-old Australian shepherd did an epic trek last month across 150 miles of Bering Sea ice as well as...
Family of dogs living in dangerous construction pipes rescued just in time

Family of dogs living in dangerous construction pipes rescued just in time

It had been a frantic call from a Good Samaritan on Wednesday to Stray Rescue of St. Louis about a family of dogs...
Mastiff puppies don’t stand a chance to live at overcrowded shelter if rescuers don’t act now

Mastiff puppies don’t stand a chance to live at overcrowded shelter if rescuers don’t act now

At the Carson Animal Care Center in California, two 10-month-old puppies came in with a few other dogs, and it appears they may...
Heartbreaking update: Pitiful pup rescued from under mobile home too weak to fight for his life

Heartbreaking update: Pitiful pup rescued from under mobile home too weak to fight for his life

In Cleveland, Texas, less than 48-hours ago, a tiny dog named Spartan had been rescued by  ThisIsHouston. He had been found lying under...
German shepherd puppy begging for someone to save her

German shepherd puppy begging for someone to save her

At the City of San Bernardino Animal Services, a five-month-old German shepherd puppy is begging for someone to save her. Her status is...