Animal Animal

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Miracle rescue of dog tied to railroad tracks as train approached

Miracle rescue of dog tied to railroad tracks as train approached

Thanks to an awesome Animal Care Officer from the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services, a dog tied to an active railroad...
Starving white boxer arrived at woman’s doorstep in need of emergency care

Starving white boxer arrived at woman’s doorstep in need of emergency care

In the Inland Empire area of Los Angeles, California, a woman posting on social media Thursday afternoon, begged for help with a stray...
Six two-month-old puppies arrived at shelter in plastic bucket after being abandoned on road

Six two-month-old puppies arrived at shelter in plastic bucket after being abandoned on road

At the Kentucky Humane Society, six abandoned puppies arrived at the shelter on Thursday in a plastic bucket after a Good Samaritan found...
18-year-old dog found in Summerville reunited with his family after missing 3 years

18-year-old dog found in Summerville reunited with his family after missing 3 years

In Dorchester County, South Carolina, a neglected and malnourished dog picked up by a Good Samaritan after he was spotted wandering the streets...
UPDATE: Dog shot several times managed to crawl to porch of nearby home for help

UPDATE: Dog shot several times managed to crawl to porch of nearby home for help

On Monday evening, an officer with ACCT Philly arrived at the 1200 block of South 54th Street responding to a report of a...
Owner abandons dog with note hoping ‘God Grant you better suited’ home

Owner abandons dog with note hoping ‘God Grant you better suited’ home

A one-and-a-half-year-old German shepherd abandoned at Cooper School Park in Vacaville, California is now safe at the Solono County Animal Care Shelter in...
Family dog survived tornado that ripped through apartment in Little Rock

Family dog survived tornado that ripped through apartment in Little Rock

In Little Rock, Arkansas, the tornado that ravaged a family’s apartment on Friday completely destroyed their home, and if that wasn’t tragic enough,...
PA State Police discover five white German shepherd puppies huddled in a ditch on side of road

PA State Police discover five white German shepherd puppies huddled in a ditch on side of road

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania State Police contacted the ANNA Shelter after they found a pet carrying crate in a ditch on the...
Jolene the cat rescued from hoarding situation is 21 years old

Jolene the cat rescued from hoarding situation is 21 years old

At the SPCA of Wake County, the staff and volunteers are celebrating the 21st birthday of a cat who was recently rescued from...
Abandoned mother dog leads rescuer to 16 puppies in Oklahoma City

Abandoned mother dog leads rescuer to 16 puppies in Oklahoma City

In Oklahoma City, the director of an animal rescue organization Street Dog Rescue & Recovery, Mitzi Brogdon, had been preparing to leave an...