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Police officer in North Dakota trudged through waist-deep snow to rescue owl with broken wing

Police officer in North Dakota trudged through waist-deep snow to rescue owl with broken wing

In Fargo, North Dakota, a police officer trudged through waist-deep snow to rescue an owl with a broken wing. In a Facebook post...
Abandoned German shepherd’s sadness is overwhelming and our hearts are breaking

Abandoned German shepherd’s sadness is overwhelming and our hearts are breaking

Her name is Kasey, and this young dog’s life has been turned inside out as well as upside down. This frightened German shepherd...
Lonely mother dog pines away at shelter after her 2 puppies adopted

Lonely mother dog pines away at shelter after her 2 puppies adopted

At the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter, Sasha pines away for her puppies who were both adopted. Although that is good news for...
Senior pup rescued from street has fans smiling with his love for pajamas and the couch

Senior pup rescued from street has fans smiling with his love for pajamas and the couch

Phillip is a senior boy who had been suffering for far too long on the streets of Houston. ThisIsHouston, a non-profit all breed...
Dog abandoned at shelter in crate with note stating he ‘does not do well with small dogs’

Dog abandoned at shelter in crate with note stating he ‘does not do well with small dogs’

At the Fairfield County SC Animal Shelter, Casper was abandoned on Monday night in front of the shelter in a crate during their...
Dog suffering from multiple gunshot wounds crawled to porch of nearby home where she found help

Dog suffering from multiple gunshot wounds crawled to porch of nearby home where she found help

The Pennsylvania SPCA is asking for the public’s help finding the person(s) responsible for shooting a dog in the Overbrook neighborhood of Philadelphia...
763 days and no new home for shelter’s longest serving dog breaking our hearts

763 days and no new home for shelter’s longest serving dog breaking our hearts

After spending more than 763 days in a San Diego animal shelter, our hearts are breaking because a dog named October still waits...
Shelter pup rescued her owner who fell into a ditch just weeks after dog adopted

Shelter pup rescued her owner who fell into a ditch just weeks after dog adopted

Five weeks ago, an adorable shelter pup named Ruby was adopted through the Dogs Trust in Salisbury by Peter Bradley and his partner...
Longtime shelter pup melts hearts and longs for snuggles in a real home

Longtime shelter pup melts hearts and longs for snuggles in a real home

Everyone at the Lincoln County Humane Society in Ontario, Canada has a sweet spot in their hearts for longtime resident Ronin. He recently...
Pretty face and pretty smile yet young shepherd still waits for someone to notice her

Pretty face and pretty smile yet young shepherd still waits for someone to notice her

At the West Los Angeles Animal Services, a four-year-old German shepherd mix still waits for someone to notice her. Her name is “Monkey,”...