Animal Animal

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Three-month-old white tiger dumped under trash bin in park fighting for his life at Athens zoo

Three-month-old white tiger dumped under trash bin in park fighting for his life at Athens zoo

In Athens, Greece, veterinarians at Attica Zoological Park are fighting to save the life of a three-month-old white tiger cub, abandoned in a...
Abandoned dog with cysts under her eyes branded ‘ugly’ by shelter visitors finds her perfect home

Abandoned dog with cysts under her eyes branded ‘ugly’ by shelter visitors finds her perfect home

An abandoned dog at Orange County Animal Services in Orlando, Florida, who suffered from a number of small cysts on the bottom of...
‘Casper’ shows to be reactive in kennel at Miami shelter but all he wants is to go home

‘Casper’ shows to be reactive in kennel at Miami shelter but all he wants is to go home

At Miami-Dade Animal Services, it is feared a young American bulldog mix named Casper will soon lose his life, because the shelter states...
Total love bug: Don’t let that nose and teeth scare you about ‘Steve’

Total love bug: Don’t let that nose and teeth scare you about ‘Steve’

In Oklahoma City, a four-year-old gentle giant named Steve is waiting at Mutt Misfits Animal Rescue Society for his forever home. This 85-pound...
Elderly dog survives unscathed after falling 23 feet down drain looking for treats

Elderly dog survives unscathed after falling 23 feet down drain looking for treats

A 14-year-old Labrador retriever named Tess miraculously survived a 23-feet fall down a manhole in search of treats. The dog fell down the...
Shepherd’s incredible rescue after train driver stops on track where dog ran between wheels

Shepherd’s incredible rescue after train driver stops on track where dog ran between wheels

In Adelaide, South Australia, a nine-month-old German shepherd surely has more lives than any cat’s traditional “9 lives.” This scared pup had just...
UPDATE: Puppy abandoned on side of road in Georgia actually wagged his tiny tail as his condition improves

UPDATE: Puppy abandoned on side of road in Georgia actually wagged his tiny tail as his condition improves

Who can forget the heartbreaking photos of a puppy brought to the DeKalb County Animal Services in Georgia less than one week ago?...
Backyard breeder asked emergency vet to euthanize puppy because it was sick

Backyard breeder asked emergency vet to euthanize puppy because it was sick

Instead of treating a sick seven-month-old French bulldog, a heartless backyard breeder brought the puppy to an emergency veterinarian clinic on Monday night...
No one wants Basil so let’s try one more time before he is put to sleep by NYC shelter

No one wants Basil so let’s try one more time before he is put to sleep by NYC shelter

Hope for a sweet dog scheduled to be euthanized today whispers and gently urges us to try one more time to find a...
New Mexico hiring professional ‘bear huggers’

New Mexico hiring professional ‘bear huggers’

If you’re looking for a job, and you’re an animal lover, this might be your perfect chance to deal with animals. According to...