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Chandler Police rescued curious Great Dane from roof of house

Chandler Police rescued curious Great Dane from roof of house

In Chandler, Arizona, a family had been out celebrating a family member’s birthday at a local restaurant when the Chandler Police Department sent...
Stray pup on loose for weeks finally captured before huge storm hit

Stray pup on loose for weeks finally captured before huge storm hit

Just before a huge snowstorm hit Tuscola County, Michigan, on Thursday, animal control officers tried their hardest to rescue a stray dog that...
Adopted kitten ‘Bingo’ bonds with 14-month old toddler fighting leukemia

Adopted kitten ‘Bingo’ bonds with 14-month old toddler fighting leukemia

A 14-month-old toddler named Axel had been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. The baby’s difficult journey began with a...
13-years old and at her most important time of need, pup’s family deserted her

13-years old and at her most important time of need, pup’s family deserted her

Why didn’t Polly’s family want her? After all, she is 13-years-old and needed her owners the most, but right before Valentine’s Day, Polly...
Seattle family drives 2600 miles to adopt husky with lopsided grin

Seattle family drives 2600 miles to adopt husky with lopsided grin

A husky who was born with a facial deformity, which makes him appear to have a lopsided grin, caught the eye of a...
Virginia woman contends dog was protecting herself from another dog but shelter euth’ed her

Virginia woman contends dog was protecting herself from another dog but shelter euth’ed her

In Arlington, Virginia, a woman who has been fostering dogs tried her best to protect one of the dogs she had been caring...
Stray believed to have been walking around for six years without a home

Stray believed to have been walking around for six years without a home

What is believed to be a miniature poodle, this tangled and filthy mess of matted fur arrived at the Carson Animal Shelter on...
Fireman rescued puppy outside house fire and soon mom showed up looking for her baby

Fireman rescued puppy outside house fire and soon mom showed up looking for her baby

In Memphis, Tennessee, the Streetdog Foundation received a call from one of the organization’s volunteers asking for help. On Saturday morning, the animal...
Lost cow comes running home after hearing her human mom call for her

Lost cow comes running home after hearing her human mom call for her

According to the Healthy Journal as well as other scientific research information, cows are generally quite intelligent and can remember events, other animals...
Dallas rescue offers to help 19 day old puppy breeder accidentally fed improperly

Dallas rescue offers to help 19 day old puppy breeder accidentally fed improperly

Dallas Dog – Rescue, Rehab. Reform stepped up to help a puppy only 19 days old on Saturday morning. The mother of the...