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Blue’s family moved, surrendering him to shelter and breaking his heart

Blue’s family moved, surrendering him to shelter and breaking his heart

Lawrenceville, Georgia – On Tuesday, an adorable dog named Blue was surrendered to the Society of Humane Friends of Georgia because his family...
Dog abandoned after hours outside shelter in below freezing temps

Dog abandoned after hours outside shelter in below freezing temps

Columbus, OH – Last week, when the Columbus Dog Connection was closed, someone abandoned a young dog outside in the cold. According to...
Stray dog paralyzed after hit by car but miracles happen and wait until you see

Stray dog paralyzed after hit by car but miracles happen and wait until you see

Animal Aid Unlimited is a rescue-center, hospital and sanctuary for street animals in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. A Good Samaritan notified rescuers about Silky,...
Family in dire straits, living in car with 7 dogs and 8 cats

Family in dire straits, living in car with 7 dogs and 8 cats

Waco, TX – A Texas family has fallen on hard times and is living in their car with 15 animals. According to Fuzzy...
Young German shepherd’s final plea to save her life at overcrowded California shelter

Young German shepherd’s final plea to save her life at overcrowded California shelter

Since September 20, 2022, this beautiful two-year-old German shepherd has been at the Carson Animal Shelter. The final plea to save her life...
Thanksgiving miracle: Arnia has defied the odds and healing

Thanksgiving miracle: Arnia has defied the odds and healing

One week ago when a Good Samaritan had reached out for help after finding a dog struggling to breathe in the Rio Grande...
Faithful dog waited by injured friend who was struck by car

Faithful dog waited by injured friend who was struck by car

Othello, WA – This week, a heartbreaking show of devotion was observed by a male dog who refused to leave his canine friend...
Woman and her dog rescued after her vehicle crashed and became stuck in a tree

Woman and her dog rescued after her vehicle crashed and became stuck in a tree

When a woman failed to negotiate a curve on Highway 4 in North Escambia, Florida, she ran off the highway, hit a ditch...
Five innocent puppies dumped in pouring rain on the side of Louisiana road Thanksgiving night

Five innocent puppies dumped in pouring rain on the side of Louisiana road Thanksgiving night

While families had been finishing their Thanksgiving dinners and settling in for more family time on a rainy Thursday night, some heartless person...
Miracle ‘warrior boy’ rescued on Thanksgiving survived the worst and now heads to the best life

Miracle ‘warrior boy’ rescued on Thanksgiving survived the worst and now heads to the best life

On Thanksgiving Day, what had to have been a dying dog warrior somehow found the strength to walk, but no one could guess...