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Plans had been made to grant abandoned critically ill young dog one sweet adventure but …

Plans had been made to grant abandoned critically ill young dog one sweet adventure but …

Early Saturday morning, Good Samaritans called out for help when they found a young dog lying near the Lytle Creek shooting area in...
Shelter takes in ‘oodles of doodles’ from a puppy mill

Shelter takes in ‘oodles of doodles’ from a puppy mill

This week, a Tennessee animal shelter has taken in “oodles of doodles” from a puppy mill. The Nashville Humane Society explained that 45...
Animal control officers seeking help rescuing a dog stranded on small Clare County island

Animal control officers seeking help rescuing a dog stranded on small Clare County island

In Clare County, Michigan, the local animal shelter is seeking volunteers to help rescue a dog that became stranded on the small island...
Four-week-old puppy with birth defect found as stray

Four-week-old puppy with birth defect found as stray

When a veterinary emergency care hospital reached out to rescuer Faith Easdale and her team in the Redlands, California area for help with...
Starving four-month-old puppy tries so hard to disappear in her cage at scary shelter

Starving four-month-old puppy tries so hard to disappear in her cage at scary shelter

Meet Hope; she’s barely four-months-old, and her heartbreaking photo brings many rescuers to tears. She is currently impounded at the San Bernardino City...
Abandoned dog found lying against curb in dirty water had ‘given up’ until his angel arrived

Abandoned dog found lying against curb in dirty water had ‘given up’ until his angel arrived

Along the streets of St. Louis, a Good Samaritan reported spotting an older dog lying against a curb in dirty water. When rescuer,...
Sweetest, bonded friends have terminal cancer, and need a home together

Sweetest, bonded friends have terminal cancer, and need a home together

A Georgia-based animal shelter has a huge wish for two bonded senior dogs who are looking for a home together. The Lifeline Animal...
Gentle giant Joe presses through bars of his shelter cage for scratches before he takes his last walk

Gentle giant Joe presses through bars of his shelter cage for scratches before he takes his last walk

At the crowded Miami-Dade Animal Services, the gentle giant Joe still waits for his special someone to fall in love with him and...
Once a nameless dog barely surviving on the streets of South Texas now has a future

Once a nameless dog barely surviving on the streets of South Texas now has a future

In the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, for months dozens of people saw this nameless dog barely surviving on the streets, but no...
Awesome man walks into rescue shelter and adopts the ‘oldest dog who no one wants’

Awesome man walks into rescue shelter and adopts the ‘oldest dog who no one wants’

At Border Tails Rescue in Northbrook, Illinois, a kind man walked into the rescue organization on Wednesday asking for information about a dog...