Man tweeted offering editing skills in exchange for help with puppy’s hip treatment


On a Twitter profile @ronderock, aka Fer, his recent tweet went viral due to a problem with his puppy, Chester. The puppy suffers from a severe hip problem, and it needs emergency treatment. And so when money is short, the need is there and we all have to be creative and alert to help our loved ones, came the following tweet followed by Chester’s adorable photo:

To pay for my puppy’s hip medicine I am offering the service of spelling correction, writing and translation ENG-ESP and ESP-ENG, help me with an rt





The cost of the treatment was more than Fer could afford, so in exchange for help with his dog’s medical treatment, he offered writing, translation and spelling correction services. In addition to the medicine that Chester needed which cost $35.00, his sweet puppy also needed to undergo nebulization because of his lung issue.

Sadly, the young man’s salary wasn’t enough to cover the costs of his dog’s veterinarian treatment, and so he offered his services and asked other Twitter users to share his offer; he preferred to give something rather than just accepting donations.

And as we all like to think – goodness is often rewarded, and as the man’s post went viral, a veterinarian contacted him and offered to help with Chester’s health issues at a very discounted cost.

The service I offer is still available to those who need it. Thanks again to everyone from me and from Chester” 

Fer on Twitter

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