Mission ‘Impawsible’: Dog climbs over wall at shelter to join her doggy pal


In Minneapolis, a concrete wall could not keep two bonded dogs apart. Shall we label it “Mission Impawsible” because there was no way these two adorable pooches cared to be separated.

Video from inside of the Minneapolis Animal Care and Control, (MACC) showed a brown dog climb over the cement wall at the shelter so she could join her buddy in the adjoining kennel. Both dogs had entered the shelter at the same time, and now they have bonded with each other, and there’s just no desire from anyone to separate them. As a matter of fact, the shelter hopes the two are adopted together.

And it had been Brenda who climbed her way over to be with Linda. When staff came in the next morning, they had to do a double take because both dogs ran up to the front of the kennel together; the previous night they had been in separate kennels.

The two are now sharing a larger kennel – TOGETHER.

Brenda and Linda are both available for adoption! Both are dog friendly, but they also love each other and would love a home together. Brenda (the high jumper) has been a helper dog in playgroups. Linda is a happy “co-exister.”

Vada Karden

Check out the video:

[wpcc-iframe title=”Dog at shelter climbs wall to be with friend” width=”696″ height=”392″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/squUzbOoGow?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]

Sadly, adoptions of big dogs have greatly decreased.

MACC is open this week Tuesday- Friday from 1-5 and Saturday 6/10 from 11-3. We will be having a CLEAR THE SHELTER event on Friday and Saturday. There are no adoption fees for dogs seven months or older.

212 17th Ave. N

Minneapolis, MN 55411

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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