Bear cub orphaned after group of teens shot and killed its mother


In Bristol, Vermont, the Vermont game warden has launched an investigation after a group of teens reportedly shot and killed a bear cub’s mother.

According to WcaxNews, the cub is now being cared for at the Kilham Bear Center in Lyme. The sanctuary is not open to the public since the bears are returned to the wild, and the least amount of human intervention and familiarity leads to more successful wildlife releases.

The game warden stated the bear’s mom was shot by the teens while the kids were fishing in Bristol over Memorial Day. As soon as the Fish and Wildlife officers found out about the death of the mother, they went into the area searching for the cub. Once trapped, the five-month-old cub has been in the care of the Kilham Bear Center.

Had the cub not been captured, experts say he would not have survived. It is illegal to kill a bear at any other time than during hunting season in the fall. Criminal charges could be filed.

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