A playful young bear, who has an aversion to water, clings to his mother’s back as they navigate across the river


A Heartwarming Encounter

A heartwarming moment was captured by photographer Renee Doyle as a mother bear tenderly carried her reluctant cub across a small creek. The image showcases the depth of a mother’s love and the vulnerability of her young.

A Family Outing

The bear family was spotted in Alaska’s Lark Clark National Park. The mother bear, along with her two cubs, was exploring the park in search of food. As they approached a small creek, one of the cubs seemed hesitant to cross the water.

A Mother’s Care

Without hesitation, the mother bear scooped up her hesitant cub and carried it across the creek. The image of the cub clinging to its mother’s fur is both heartwarming and awe-inspiring. It highlights the strong bond between mother and child, even in the wild.

A Photographer’s Dream

Renee Doyle, the photographer who captured this precious moment, was thrilled to witness such a tender display of affection. She was able to document the bear family’s journey and share their story with the world.

This heartwarming encounter serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world. It also highlights the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitats.
