In Youngstown, Ohio, an abandoned Cane Corso named “Nadine” has a sad story to tell. Perhaps that perfect someone will answer the call after reading about her.

On July 3, 2021, Nadine was spotted running around the area after a local mail carrier reported the dog had been let out of a car and drove away. Neighbors tried to catch her, but Nadine was too scared.
An animal rescue officer from the Mahoning County Dog Warden spotted Nadine in the park as the dog wandered into the lake and froze in fear. Christina was able to stand on a downed tree, slip a lead over the five-year-old dog’s neck and safely rescue her.

When the dog first arrived at the shelter, she was extremely fearful. Her health suffered, and she lost weight despite being fed numerous small meals daily. Her bloodwork came back nearly normal, and it is unknown if stress or parasites had been responsible for Nadine’s weight loss, however she has been doing better and has gained ten pounds over the past month.

It is important to note when Nadine entered the shelter, she was emaciated, terrified and had old scars and skin issues; likely she was neglected and abused in her old life.

And now a month later, Nadine trusts the staff at the shelter.
“She knows the morning routine and follows me from her inside kennel to her outside kennel betther than any other dog we have here at the moment. She is amazing outside when all the other dogs around her are acting crazy. She just lays on her bed in her kennel either enjoying the sun or enjoying a breeze … totally tuning them out. She is quiet and just kind of goes with the flow. Nadine loves to go for short walks in this crazy heat and loves to roll around in the grass giving her back a good scratch.”
Mahoning County Dog Warden Facebook
Now here’s the catch! Nadine continues to have fear issues and has the potential to be a fear biter. She just doesn’t trust people and needs someone with Cane Corso and fearful dog experience.

“She is 5/6 years old and deserves to have a chance at some happiness in her lifetime. She also needs a rescue to monitor her health. She has gained a little bit of weight, but not as much as we would have expected.”
Mahoning County Dog Warden Facebook
Please share Nadine’s story with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. If interested, email [email protected] with questions or call 330-740-2205. The shelter can give potential rescues more information on her and her needs.
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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