Earlier this week, an emaciated puppy, clinging to life, was found in the parking lot of a South Carolina parking lot. The pup, dubbed Little Foot, has been taken under the wing of the Greenville Humane Society, which detailed the pup’s menagerie of issues in a Facebook post on August 30:
She was severely malnourished, suffering from rectal prolapse, and portions of her skin were becoming necrotic. She would only attempt to stand for food, and even then she was so weak and wobbly to the point of collapsing with exhaustion.

Little Foot has been receiving round-the-clock care from staff and she is making incredible progress. According to the shelter, Little Foot is putting on weight and learning to use her back legs. Shelter staff has stated that the puppy’s personality has not been hampered by her poor health. She is proving herself to be playful and sweet.
You can follow Little Foot’s progress at this link to the shelter’s Facebook page.
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