On Thursday, the team at IndyHumane located in Indianapolis, answered the door and greeted a Good Samaritan holding a tiny bundle in her arms. That little bundle turned out to be an extremely malnourished puppy who needed emergency veterinarian care. The puppy was rushed inside to the medical ward where it was feared this emaciated pup could be suffering with parvovirus.
Canine parvovirus is highly contagious, and if left untreated, the fatality rate can reach 91%. The virus affects the stomach and small intestine where it destroys cells, impairs absorption and can also affect the bone marrow as well as heart tissue. There is no cure for parvo, but veterinarians treat the symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. Dogs that are treated have a survival rate ranging from 68% to 92%, and depending on the severity of the case can make complete recoveries.

Everyone, however, exhaled a sigh of relief when the test for parvo came back negative, but it was still not known if the puppy would live. With expert veterinary care and of course, fingers crossed for good luck, it was hoped he would survive the night. And he did!
Meet Trooper. This tiny bundle of absolute cuteness and love will be monitored closely until he is strong enough to move on to a foster home. He will be treated for worms, fleas and then carefully monitored on a refeeding schedule in order to safely gain weight.
To help Trooper, donations can be made by clicking here. To make a gift by mail, send your check made out to IndyHumane to 7929 N. Michigan Road, Indianapolis IN 46268. To make a gift by phone call 317-872-5650 ext 125.
Get well soon Trooper.
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