California – A Chico family was shocked when they came across a photo of their dog, Luna, who was stolen from them eight months ago. Luna’s photo had been posted to social media with a post advising that she was “urgently” in need of help because the Glenn County animal shelter was out of space.
The post was shared widely and it made its way to Luna’s true owner. The Save the Nor-Cal Shelter Dogs Facebook page shared the incredible story to Facebook followers on Tuesday, writing:
You see…back in February 2022 Luna as we now know, was stolen in Chico, CA. The owner had shared a post on many pages pleaing for her dog back. She even had video from cameras of the theft. After searching for months… they were starting to lose hope.
Fast forward to last night when they saw an urgent post with HER, 45 minutes away in the Glenn County Shelter. This was LUNA!!!

The owner messaged the Nor-Cal Shelter Facebook page about Luna and they got in touch with the shelter to let them know that someone was coming to save her. Bright and early Tuesday morning, Luna was reunited with her family! Details of the sweet reunion were shared on social media:
The owners picked her up bright and early, and she was so happy to see them she peed everywhere out of excitement!!!
YAHOOO for happy endings!!! Thank you so much to her owners for never losing faith or hope!!

Never lose hope!!
(Images via Facebook)
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