Orchid and her daughter Petal were rescued on Saturday morning from a local shelter. The two had been there for nearly ten days, and their time was up. Patti OConnell Dawson, president at Dallas Dog -Rescue.Rehab.Reform saw the photos of Orchid and Pedal and couldn’t help thinking about her own role as a mother and the strong instinct to make sure her child is always protected and safe.

And so here Orchid and Pedal shivered from fright as they huddled in a cage not knowing if they would live or die. The puppy cuddled up to her mother looking for comfort.

What would you do? I saw this picture last night. I am struggling to unsee it. I am struggling on our next step. We are full, we have zero fosters open.
How do you look at this picture and turn away? How do you do nothing? How can I save them when we have fosters begging for their dogs to be moved? So many uncertainties for sure, I am left with a tough choice – not tage and she and her baby will die or tag and beg for forgiveness and hope for a miracle.
Patti O Dawson @ Dallas Dog- RRR Facebook

Late Friday night Dallas Dog RRR sent in the tag for the rescue. The dogs are both skin and bones. They are covered in ticks, their bellies are full of worms and their gums are pale. They were picked up today and are currently at the organization’s partner veterinarian.
For a full explanation of their medical evaluation and how they are doing, check out Video #1:
Video #2:
Orchid suffers from double pneumonia and has been admitted to the veterinary hospital. The puppy will be going to foster care.
Updates will follow.
Please help welcome Orchid and Petal
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
To foster: https://www.dallasdogrrr.org/become-a-foster
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.