In Rhode Island, a coyote pup was found on the side of a busy road in Smithfield in late April and brought to the Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island. Wildlife rehabilitators later paired her with a male coyote mistaken for a German Shepherd puppy found “wandering and distressed by the side of a busy road” and had taken him home before realizing he wasn’t a German shepherd.

As soon as the family figured out the pup was a coyote, they contacted the Cape Wildlife Center where he was paired with the other orphaned coyote from Rhode Island, and for the last six months, the two have bonded and become best friends. The two have continued to be cautious around humans, and the staff is confident both will be successful as they are returned to the wild.

He was released today with a foster sibling who we paired with him since they were just a few weeks old. She was also orphaned and was transferred to our hospital after receiving care at Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island. The two became friends very quickly have been inseparable ever since. Because they had each other as companions they have remained wild and weary of humans. Releasing them as a unit will hopefully increase their survival rate in the wild. While some coyotes may choose to part ways after release something tells us these two may be bonded for life
Cape Wildlife Center

Calling it a “#Graduation” both pups have received all necessary vaccinations. The exact place where they were released was not given. Live long and healthy lives.
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