In Lighthouse Point, Florida, an 80-pound dog miscalculated his dive into a canal and struggled to stay afloat until awesome police officers came to his rescue.
It seems as if the dog named Sarge, may have spotted something in the canal on Sunday, and within moments the 80-pound pooch had jumped in. Now even though Sarge is known to be a good swimmer, he couldn’t find a way to climb up on the dock by himself and soon was seen struggling to stay afloat.
When the Lighthouse Point Police Department was called to help, Officers Gianino and Steinkamp arrived, surveyed the situation and decided on a rescue plan. The officers were able to engage a passing boater’s help, and one of the officers and the boat owner plunged into the water.

Officer Gianino jumped into the water and swam the dog to a broken dock. It was determined that the broken dock would allow her the best chance to get the pup out of the water. As the King family was passing by on a boat, Charles King jumped into the water to help lift the 80 lb dog. Officer Gianino and Mr. King were able to lift the dog, and Officer Steinkamp was able to pull him up to safety.
Lighthouse Point Police Department Facebook
Check out the video:
Sarge is safe and we are sure very happy to have been rescued. Five years ago, Sarge was adopted by his owner, Alex Griffin, five years ago from the Broward County Humane Society. Somehow this adorable pup must be thinking he’s a cat – just using two of his nine lives?
His family is now making sure to reinforce the dock so Sarge can’t jump into the canal again.
Many thanks to the incredible officers and Good Samaritan who helped this pooch.
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