Just two days ago, a concerned citizen called Stray Rescue of St. Louis about a big brindle colored dog obviously injured and left abandoned amid an area of rocks and debris under the Poplar Street Bridge. An old mattress cover had been his bed, and the dog trusted no one.

Was he waiting for his family to return? Had someone abandoned him there? When rescuers arrived, there was no way the dog would let anyone get close to him. He snarled and curled his lip when anyone approached.
And within that 24-hour span, patience, tasty food and a humane trap employed, the scared pup who was in such pain was captured. Volunteers named him Big Ben, and he was rushed to the clinic and sedated in order to evaluate his physical condition. Sadly, Big Ben’s leg injury was the result of a gun shot. His shoulder is completely shattered.

Fortunately, this isn’t anywhere near the end of Big Ben’s story. The dog who feared everyone and who barely could handle the pain from his injury, began his new life with the help of dedicated rescuers.

Our amazing Scott came in on his day off to work with Big Ben. With patience and skill, he was able to get him to let his guard down and go for a walk. He learned that he loves to get affection!! They sat in the sun together and Big Ben was excited to show Scott that he already knew how to sit for a treat.
He is now fear-free. He knows we’re the good guys. The next step will be to help him become pain free. In case you missed it, he was under the Poplar Street bridge with a huge, swollen leg. X-rays showed a bullet and a shattered shoulder. He is scheduled for an amputation tomorrow morning with our Dr. Schulz. The surgery is scheduled to take about 4 hours due to his sheer size.
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Please send him all of your good vibes and consider making a donation for Big Ben’s emergency surgery and medical care: https://www.strayrescue.org/big-ben-202209291905.
Read previous article about Big Ben here.
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