Meet Splash – an active 10-month-old puppy thought to be a Labrador retriever and German shepherd mix. This adorable pup is both concerned and confused, and is currently at the Carson Animal Care Center. He is overdue for an adoption, and the shelter is overcrowded.
A5503917(intact) Splash’s evaluation report:

Splash was at the front of the kennel with a relaxed demeanor as the runner approached. Splash displayed a relaxed body, soft tail wag, open mouth pant, natural ears, and soft eyes. Splash began to sniff and lick the runner’s hand when the runner went to leash Splash moved to the back of the kennel. The runner had to step into the kennel to leash and remove Splash from the kennel. Splash walks ahead of the runner pulling towards the walls and pressed her body against it. Once in the catch pen Splash was collared slowly due to Splash appearing wary of the environment. Splash greeted the dogs at the barrier with a timid demeanor and was allowed into the gentle dainty yard. Splash exchanged greetings with the dogs in the yard nicely and appeared to loosen up. Splash began to wander the environment sniffing and marking various locations.
Splash did not engage in play but would explore the yard with a buddy.
Facebook Saving Carson Dogs
Splash is approved for public adoption – adults only recommended. Any other dogs in the house should be calm.
#A5503917 My name is SPLASH and I’m an approximately 10 month old male Lab Retriever. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 9/16. I will be available on 9/21. You can visit me at my temporary home at C336.
Lab Retriever
AGE:10 months
Carson Shelter – 310-523-9566
216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application.
Please share this dog’s plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. Check out his short video:
(Photos and video via Saving Carson Dogs)
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