When a Good Samaritan reached out for help with a dog struggling to breathe in the Rio Grande area of Texas, rescuers from Dallas Dog-Rescue.Rehab.Reform rushed forward. By Sunday, the dog now dubbed Arnia arrived at the emergency veterinary hospital. How so many people just ignored her and walked by her in this condition was heartbreaking.

This sweet girl was seen by many at their local flea market until a Good Samaritan stopped and asked for help. What does that say about our tolerance level it is the norm of what they see everyday? How can you walk by her and look the other way!!
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When she arrived at the veterinarian hospital, Arnia was covered in fleas and ticks; she tested positive for Ehrlichiosis. In addition, she is anemic and required an albumin transfusion. Her glucose was on the low end of normal; she is struggling to maintain her body temperature, however she is stable.

Arnia waants to eat and drink, and that is a positive sign. She is skin and bones and left there for who knows how long? How could you just walk by time and time again?
Check out the short clip when being rescued:
Sadly, Arnia’s stomach was full of rocks and bones; she had been surviving on scraps. She will remain hospitalized as she is still quite weak and needs to be monitored.
Donations are needed to help. Her veterinarian care will be costly, but her life is worth the work.
Please donate to help save Arnia
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
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