Oh, we so love all of our senior rescue dogs and the most adorable ways they show us how thankful they are for having been loved and cherished for so long. Dogs don’t dwell on the past much, although certain memories albeit good or bad, can define their personalities. Still, maybe the best thing about a dogs is their zest for life TODAY!
In a recent Newsweek article, we met Maverick, a 13-year-old pooch whose recent TikTok video went viral. He’s shown lying in his bed coveting a rawhide chew toy. Now that isn’t unusual, but Mavvy [as he is known] has had that particular rawhide for years. Yes, we are aware the rawhide chews are meant to last a long time, but this boy has a different take on this particular treat.

According to his owners, Jane and Luke Cantania, that rawhide chew was the one thing he brought with him when he was adopted. Jane and Luke live in Washington, D.C. and stated they had been looking to adopt a dog during the Covid pandemic in 2020. Indeed, it was a hard choice trying to find the dog who would bring joy and love to their household; that is until they spotted a Facebook post from Maverick’s old owner who had been trying to find a new home for their senior dog.
The “meet and greet” was an instant falling in love for all involved, and Maverick arrived at his new home in December 2020. With him, the dog brought his rawhide chewy.
He has to have his safety rawhide nearby at all times. He usually likes to keep it on top of his toy bin so he can see it. Whenever he can’t see it, we find him rummaging through the bin to figure out where it is.
Cantainia family
The video has garnered more than 126,000 views. Check it out.
Everyday, Pet Rescue Report.com shares stories of dogs in need; many of them are the stories of seniors surrendered to shelters. They are all precious lives, and many thanks to Jane and Luke for helping to showcase how we love our wonderful senior pets.
Video and photos via TikTok
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