So much animal cruelty occurs almost daily in Cleveland, Texas, and rescue groups try their best to help. Over the weekend, a three-year-old sweet shepherd was surrendered to the care of ThisIsHouston, a non profit animal rescue organization. It is believed a man threatening dogs around the neighborhood where he lived, had slashed the shepherd along the side of his face and partially down his neck.

The dog, named Steve, had been suffering for days before finding the help he needed. His owner surrendered the dog on Saturday to the rescue group because he could not afford the medical bills, even though the first reaction after seeing the dog was to humanely euthanize him.
But Heller and Laura Forma, the founders of the rescue group didn’t want to give up so easily. Surgeons at the Blue Pearl Emergency Veterinarian Hospital are optimistic about Steve’s recovery and thinks as early as today they will be able to start closing up his open wounds.
Steve is doing well – all things considering
Steve is a sweet & friendly boy but understandably doesn’t like to be restrained. Who knows what all he’s been through when this incident unfolded. But he’s in good hands and will never encounter a hateful person ever again.
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Steve can use your help. To donate, please click here.

It takes a lot of commitment for a big medical case like this, but ThisIsHouston is glad to be able to commit to these dogs who desperately need us. Your support allows them to transform these dogs, so THANK YOU.
To donate to Steve’s care:
Venmo @ThisIsHouston
Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252
(Please note the photos of Steve’s injuries are very graphic, and for that reason we have not included them here. To view, please click here.)
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