The dog warden and Mercer County Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to Burrville Road between Oregon Road and Frahm Pike late Monday night to rescue 15 young doodles who had been abandoned.

According to the Open Arms Pound Rescue, the dogs are not aggressive and mostly stayed together as a group when authorities arrived to pick the dogs up and loaded into the animal control vehicles. The dogs were matted with fecal material and straw and had not been groomed recently.

Fortunately the dogs are not afraid of people and have been socialized. It is not known who abandoned the dogs, but the rescue organization offered his thoughts:
…they have been overbred because people will pay $1,000 to $3,000 to buy them. They are losing popularity which is leaving the breeders with unsold pups that then grow too big to sell.
Open Arms Pound Rescue

PLEASE CALL THE MERCER COUNTY SHERIFF AT 419-586-7724 IF YOU KNOW WHO DUMPED THEM. Please don’t call the warden. He has received more than enough calls to adopt all the doodles.
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