In Long Beach, California, Lisa Hartouni is heartbroken after her German shepherd Jack was stolen nine days ago, from her front yard while she went into the house to get some treats. When she returned, less than 10 minutes later, Jack was gone.
Lisa had just returned from a walk with her service dog. A neighbor’s ring surveillance video showed two men opening Lisa’s front gate and grab Jack by the collar. Jack was able to free himself for a moment, but the two men, dressed in black, grabbed him again and left. The video clip is too grainy to have seen the license plate number of their vehicle.
Two weeks ago, Lisa had been approached by a man who insisted that Jack belonged to his friend and left very angry when Lisa told him she had adopted the dog six years ago.
The family is hoping that by offering a reward, it will help to bring Jack home. The vehicle was a four-door sedan.
UPDATE: Jack is still missing and no fresh leads. As mentioned in the media interviews, the car Jack was put into was what looks to be a newer model sedan, we believe a 2018-2022 Honda Accord sport model with a shark fin. The driver was wearing a Long Beach Certified t-shirt and had facial hair.
Facebook Friends of Bring Jack Home
Lisa uses a cane to get around, and adopting Jack has been a wonderful companion for her.
Sadly, today is “Day 9” and Jack is still missing. Please share his photo and help him find his way home.
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