Less than a week ago when a Good Samaritan reached out for help with a dog struggling to breathe in the Rio Grande area of Texas, rescuers from Dallas Dog-Rescue.Rehab.Reform rushed forward. The emaciated pup, now dubbed Arnia, had arrived at the emergency veterinary hospital. How so many people just ignored her and walked by her in this condition had been just heartbreaking.

Arnia had been covered in fleas and ticks; she tested positive for Ehrlichiosis. In addition, she was anemic and required an albumin transfusion. Her glucose was on the low end of normal; she struggled to maintain her body temperature, but that extra fight in her helped her condition to stabilize.

When Arnia arrived at the veterinary hospital she only weighed 28 pounds and had no body fat; she was nothing but skin loosely stretched over her skeletal system, but the two year old pooch refused to give up.
And as if she hasn’t been through enough, just one day ago, Arnia has another major medical issue to overcome:

Sweet Arnia is such a little fighter she survived being found abandoned at flea market, she was skin and bones after struggling a bit we did some testing and she came back distemper positive! She is a trooper she has continued to receive medical supports, she recently was hospitalized with a103.9 fever she will remain hospitalized till we get her feeling a bit better.
Please donate and keep Arnia in your prayers.
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
Facebook Dallas Dog RRR
Read previous coverage of this brave little dog here and here. Please keep Arnia in your thoughts. She deserves a long, happy and loving family.
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