In Luray, Virginia, deputies from the Page County Sheriff’s Office are investigating a heartbreaking case of suspected animal cruelty. On November 21, 2022, the officers responded to the area of 651 Egypt Bend Road about a dog stuck in a fence.

When units arrived on the scene, they discovered a female husky mix had been chained and locked to the barbed wire fence and was unable to move at all. Animal Control Services were called, and after several attempts, they were able to free the dog without incident.

On the Page County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, hundreds of commenters expressed their anger concerning the situation and have asked the department to continue investigating the disturbing incident. After the dog was freed from her chained hell, she wrapped her front legs around her rescuer in pure gratitude. Every officer at the scene smiled.
Can you imagine her terror and how she must’ve struggled as she was being padlocked to that fence? And then doing everything she could to free herself without getting horribly cut. These monsters must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and even that is not enough. We all know that animal abuse laws are not strong enough

If anyone recognizes this dog please contact ACO Nations at 540-743-6571. Please share this article with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives, and the person(s) responsible for this animal cruelty should be apprehended and if found guilty, punished to the fullest extent of the law.
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