And there they were; a huge box that had fallen off a truck in Boyle Heights broke open, and greyhounds fled along the highway in all different directions. According to the LA Times, it was Brenda Marquez who had been driving east on the 60 Freeway who spotted the dogs on Saturday morning. The dog lover immediately stopped her vehicle to help.
Brenda called 911 and then was able to corral a few of the dogs over to the shoulder of the road where they wouldn’t be struck by any vehicles or cause accidents as motorists swerved to avoid them. She was able to get two of the dogs into her vehicle; another two weren’t quite as cooperative, but she was successful in helping to rescue them also. It is believed that 20 dogs had fallen out of the back of the truck.

A California Highway Patrol officer, McAdams rescued five more of the greyhound dogs near the 10/5 and 101 Freeway interchange. Video shared on Instagram shows the officer carrying one dog into his patrol vehicle, while another shows all the dogs sniffing at the camera inside the car.
This past Saturday our officers received multiple call of several dogs running within lanes of SR-60. Officer McAdams responded and with the help of good samaritans, was able to rescue several dogs and move them safety. Officer McAdams put five greyhounds in his patrol car and took them to the local shelter @northcentralshelter . If these are your dogs or you may know the owner, you can reach out to @northcentralshelter .
Thanks to the great samaritans who stopped and assisted Officer McAdams.

So far eight greyhounds have been rescued and are being held at the North Central Animal Shelter; a few are being fostered in private homes.
It is not known where the dogs came from. They do not have racing identification tattoos, and it is likely they didn’t come from racing tracks. Many of the dogs have scars and road rash which could have occurred when they fell out the back of the truck.

Anyone with information is asked to contact authorities. Please keep your eyes open for the other lost dogs.
(Photos via Instagram CHPS and Tom Kiesche)
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