In Clare County, Michigan the animal shelter was able to finally capture a Great Dane after she became stranded on Hayes Township’s Cranberry Lake for nearly a month. The brown and white dog named Zaria had slipped her collar, ran away and jumped into a nearby canal. She had been stranded on the island since August 17. Local Animal Control, Sheriff’s Department and many local residents tried to bring Zaria to safety without success.

Volunteers and professional trackers had tried to capture her, but she repeatedly eluded baited traps left in the area where she had been spotted. Finally on September 21, Zaria was captured, and had been recuperating at the Clare County Animal Shelter.

Once back at the shelter, Zaria remained very fearful and was in need of a foster home with high fences to make sure she wouldn’t try to escape again. Unfortunately, the interested families who responded only had four-foot fences, and the shelter would only feel comfortable with a six-foot high fence.
The shelter director, Beth had the required fence height requirement, and soon after the dog went to her new foster home. Beth renamed her Zara.

And as we should never judge a book by its cover, neither should we judge a dog’s personality. At Beth’s home, Zara quickly settled in; she was well-behaved and very sweet. Should we drag out the happy ending to this story, or can we tell you right now that Zara was a foster dog failure – Beth fell in love and Zara was adopted by Beth.

Have we mentioned that Zara was the last adoption for Empty Our Shelters too?
Thanks to two shelters working together and to Cathy Bissell and BISSELL Pet Foundation Zara is home for good!!!
Read previous coverage about Zara by clicking here.
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