In Orange County, Florida, Orange County Animal Services reunited a dog with her owner; the tiny pup had been lost for seven years. It was because Jazzy had a microchip that her family in Texas could be traced, and the tearful and joyous reunion could be made possible.
Earlier this month, animal control officers had responded to a report about an abandoned dog left behind in a hotel room. The dog could barely walk, and when she was brought into the shelter and examined by veterinarians, she was estimated to be about 10-years-old and dealing with a bad case of arthritis. Jazzy, however was just so sweet and gentle and allowed the staff to care for her as best they could. It would be hard to find a home for Jazzy; very few people want senior dogs, and those not in good health have an even harder time.

Fortunately, Jazzy had been microchipped; her information traced back to a family in Texas. When notified, the family was shocked. Jazzy was really 12-years-old and when she was five, she had been scared by local fireworks and ran away. The family searched for her for a long time, but even after all these years had never given up hope.

We told them about her health issues, her current condition, and we let them know their options. They never hesitated. Kerry, Jazzy’s owner, jumped on a plane from Texas to Florida a few days later, and today, we reunited them. We don’t know how Jazzy wound up here in Orlando, or what her life has been like. But after seven years, Jazzy was finally going home.
Jazzy’s owner jumped on a plane in Texas to Florida.
It was a tearful reunion, and it was incredible to watch Jazzy come to life at her owner’s voice. Kerry was overjoyed and regaled us with stories about her. And Jazzy couldn’t take her eyes off him. She licked his hand again and again and inched her body as close as she could to him. After all those years, her heart still remembered, and was finally whole.

It remains a mystery how Jazzy wound up in Florida or how she has been living for the past seven years, but now she’s home with the person she loves the most. Such a great thing about dogs – they concentrate on today – never mind those yesterdays when life wasn’t perfect.
Live and love Jazzy. Many thanks to the Orange County Animal Services for the extra time and care given to Jazzy.
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