Oh deer! A three-legged deer, nicknamed “Tripod” by residents in an Oregon neighborhood somehow became entangled in a string of Christmas lights around his antlers. Officials from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife came to his rescue earlier this week.
According to the department’s Facebook page, officials shot Tripod with a tranquilizing dart and unwrapped the tangled mess of lights from his antlers, (sort of like what many of us did to untangle the lights from the previous year’s use on the Christmas tree)

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Deer get stuck in a lot of different things, including Christmas lights. We don’t always show the pictures of the deer that get so hung up they end up dying from being unable to eat, drink or escape predators. If we can safely remove whatever they’re hung up, we do, because the alternative is often pretty grim. The ear tags tell any would-be hunters that the deer has been under sedation recently. The same if the deer happened to get hit by a car.
How Tripod lost his front right leg remains a mystery, however wildlife officials stated the wound had healed and the deer seems to be doing fine.
Obviously Tripod had no residual ill effects, because the next day a local resident popped a photo of Tripod on one of his local adventures.
Merry Christmas Tripod. Stay safe.
(Photos via Facebook Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife)
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