Thanks to the dedicated, brave officers and firefighters from the Arrowhead Joint Fire District and the Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s Department, three kittens still have eight of their nine lives left after they were found in a cardboard box that had been tossed over a bridge onto the ice on the Tuscarawas River.

On Friday afternoon, deputies found the box of kittens thrown off the St. Clairsville bridge. According to the press release from the fire department, the kittens were at least lucky enough to still be on the ice, but conditions had been rapidly deteriorating as the milder weather brought significant melting.

Firefighters used a rescue craft and made their way to the bridge in Port Washington after deputies and humane officers had secured the area so no bystanders would put themselves at risk trying to maneuver their own rescue attempts on the melting ice and snow. Two of the kittens were still in the box, and the third kitten had been stranded on the ice.

All three kittens survived and were handed over to humane officers where the kittens are currently safe and warm.

Great job firefighters, officers and deputies. You are all heroes.
Anyone with information about this animal cruelty situation, please contact the Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s Office at 330-339-2000.
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