Rescue Dogs Rock NYC had planned on watching 2023 come in with a smile, but a New Year’s Eve emergency and rescue changed everyone’s plans. An owner had accidentally run over their dog and then dumped him at the shelter. His name is Pluto, and that had been the only home the little guy had ever known, yet his family had allowed him to suffer for what now seems like years.

At the Weslaco Animal Shelter in Texas, officers received a call about an injured dog with a possible broken leg. The story was that the owner had accidentally run over the dog and did not have the funds needed to get him vetted; therefore they surrendered him.

Here at Welaco Animal Care Services we strive to give EVERY dog an opportunity and this boy wasn’t an exception. By 1:30 pm, this boy was in a crate getting ready to go to the vet to receive medical attention. Many ask why he was not posted and the honest answer is we needed him out today! Not tomorrow, not two days from now so our Officer made one call and that’s all it took. We hope and pray you get better – help us send well wishes to this handsome boy and big Thank You to the rescue that pulled.
Rescue Dogs Rock NYC rushed Pluto to the critical care hospital for life saving medical care. Radiographs show multiple broken bones which will require surgery.

Tuesday morning update on Pluto:
It is sad to report that 10-year-old Pluto has been severely abused and neglected. He is presently at a critical care hospital. His right femur is fractured in two places, and his spine is very weak which is why he is unable to walk. He also has a severe heart murmur with decaying teeth.
At this time, Pluto’s prognosis is unknown, but everything is being done to help him.
Help Rescue Dogs Rock NYC help Pluto and donate towards his medical care and surgery ..
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Updates to follow. Get well soon Pluto – we’re all rooting for you!
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