In Lexington, Kentucky at Paws 4 the Cause, four-month-old Emerson has a special story to tell, and she is hoping someone will want to adopt her and let her love them for the rest of her life.

Not too long ago, Emerson came to the non profit organization, who rescue pets from extreme situations, after her previous owner wanted to euthanize her because of her birth defects. The puppy was not able to use her back legs to walk as she was born with spina bifida, hip dysplasia and deformed knee joints in her legs. No matter what challenges faced her, Emerson wanted to live; her big brown eyes looked up to her rescuers’ faces, and there was no doubt this puppy was special.

And so it was determined, the sweet little dog would need a wheel chair for the rest of her life to get around, but don’t lots of humans depend on wheel chairs for their mobility and enjoy full lives? Why not Emerson?

Emerson does have an amazing foster family who have encouraged her to live as normal a life as much as possible. This family provides her with unconditional love, but Emerson wants her very own home.

Emerson’s Christmas wish is that there is a special family out there to let her be a part of, and love her in every way. We know there is a place in this world for her, and someone or a family to give her their hearts
. If you are this special one interested in making her wish come true, contact our adoption coordinator Anita at 859-962-8256. You can fill out an application on

Yes, we are now past Christmas, but Emerson is still as alert, still as loving and still as hopeful. If you are patient and want to give a special puppy a special home, please reach out. Sharing her story will surely bring this sweet dog the future she deserves.
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