In West Palm Beach, Florida, the Mutty Paws Rescue is asking the public for help with donations as they try to save the life of a four-week-old puppy that was discovered severely burned.
According to the rescue group, the puppy, weighing only three pounds, had been found in Miami and originally had been taken to the Miami-Dade Animal Shelter before being transferred to the Mutty Paws Rescue.
This little 3lb boy was found in Miami by warehouses and brought to MDAS as #a2340462. HE IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION & we are fighting for his life. He is 4 weeks old and his 4 weeks of life have been hell! When we received his rescue plea.. we didn’t grasp how bad his burns actually would be in person. He is in so much pain, he is IN SHOCK and all he does is cry. His breathing is labored, his skin is sloughing off of him. SOMEONE TORTURED HIM. How anyone could do this to any animal, let alone a 3lb baby is incomprehensible. The mayor of Miami needs to do better. Most of our cruelty cases come from South & a blind eye is turned to it daily! This is unacceptable. This is disgusting and humanity has continually failed the voiceless! We will stop at nothing to save his life & we we need our entire village to help us. His bills will mount up quickly for the care he needs well into the thousands! Thank you Brady for rushing to get him. This is his rescue plea from MDAS:
Mutty Paws Rescue
The rescue organization has been posting regular updates on the puppy’s condition. After a thorough examination, veterinarians stated the burns on his tiny body had destroyed the layers of his skin and affected the underlying tissue. The burns are estimated to have happened four days ago, and for all that time, the puppy had to have been living in excruciating pain.
He has been started on broad spectrum antibiotics and may require a blood transfusion for his anemia.
One of the biggest things we must also watch are his albumin levels. the protein is being shifted to the skin to help with healing so it is adamant he gets proper nutrition; he will be fed every couple of hours and if his appetite diminished they will place an espophagostomy tube to be able to provide adequate nutrition.
Mutty Paws
His wound care will be determined after his first skin rinsing, but most important is his comfort level, and so he is receiving pain medication routinely.
He will remain hospitalized through Monday where he will be monitored very closely by their staff who have promised the puppy, dubbed Dade, will get cuddles and love the whole time. On Monday, the emergency doctor will re-evaluate to see if he needs continued hospitalization which he likely will.
His condition remains very guarded. Donations are needed. Please help:
All donations are 100% tax deductible
Venmo: (561)891-8589 @muttypawsrescue
416 Arabian Rd. Palm Springs, Fl 33461
Zelle: muttypawsrescue@emychun0376
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