In Dallas, Texas, an adorable living package of fluff and big brown eyes quickly became the most popular pooch around; the question however was the little one named “Toast” a dog or a coyote?
According to Dallas Animal Services, Officer Jacqui Sutherland had been betting on Toast being a dog, but until the DNA tests confirmed her genetic makeup, Toast was not going anywhere, and as of now, no one at the shelter had been in any rush to see Toast leave.
It was just a few weeks back that the Dallas Police found Toast eating from a dumpster, and with her tan coat and her big ears, was she a coyote or a dog?
A DNA test was done and the results are in:
Toast is German Shepherd-Siberian Husky-Australian Cattle Dog mix!
The DNA test came back with the following results:
42% German Shepherd
38.6% Siberian Husky
19.4% Australian Cattle Dog
Since Toast has now been identified as a domestic dog, she will be available for adoption. Dallas Animal Services is expected to release the adoption plans soon.
This was when:
[wpcc-iframe title=”Coyote or domestic dog? DNA tests pending for Dallas’ most popular puppy” width=”696″ height=”392″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]
Either way Toast is a good reminder – adopt a puppy or a dog in need from your local shelter. Leave wildlife alone – they deserve to live free on our planet too.
Read previous coverage here.
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