Instead of treating a sick seven-month-old French bulldog, a heartless backyard breeder brought the puppy to an emergency veterinarian clinic on Monday night and asked that the puppy be euthanized. The heartless man told the veterinarian he thought the puppy had parvovirus and didn’t want to spend the money to cure it nor did he want to wait for the puppy to recover.
Canine parvovirus is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. Vaccines can prevent the disease. The mortality rate of puppies left untreated with parvo is as high as 91%, and treatment can be expensive often involving hospitalization.
Dallas Dog -Rescue.Rehab.Reform stepped up and rescued the puppy, but need help. This little guy has been named Doc Martin and will be needing funds to help with the hospitalization and treatment; and then to find an amazing foster home until he is fully recovered and available to be adopted.
Sadly, Doc Martin’s plight isn’t unique. He belonged to a backyard breeder who never provided proper care, and in the seven months the puppy has been alive, the puppy has never had one single vaccine. More than likely he has been living in terrible conditions. And to add to the sadness of this situation, the mother of Doc Martin remains in the home and is pregnant with another litter.
French bulldogs have become the national top-ranked breed in 2022 – now being named the most popular breed for the first time. Previously Labrador retrievers held the title for the past 31 consecutive years.
Doc Martin’s health update:
Doc Martin is doing well, he is eating some he is having a little bit of diarrhea and has vomited some but very mild we are hopeful this continues he will be able to go home tomorrow !!
This was a hard one he looks so much like my little Harold.
To help this little guy:
Website –
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
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