At Dallas Dog -Rescue.Rehab.Reform, a stray puppy arrived on Thursday after having been picked up off the streets; her body was covered in sores. Her will to fight for her life appeared to be very strong, but a look of sadness and utter defeat prevailed.
Emotionally, she appears to be sad. She cowers down, stays low and hunched, yet wags her tail when she sees a person. She wants to please. I even received a kiss, ever so slight, but it was a genuine sign of affection.
And on Thursday afternoon, a terribly neglected and suffering puppy now named Drew Barrymore was rushed to the organization’s partner veterinarian for her physical examination. Her body was covered in open sores, and her hind end and tail had become packed with dried fecal matter.
Her veterinarian determined Drew Barrymore suffers from an infected skin condition. Her eyes were seeped shut with a secondary infection, and her feet, neck and legs were swollen. She is extremely anemic as a result of a heavy burden of intestinal parasites.
But how about this? Is there any doubt that dogs are just too good for us?
she is wanting nothing but love from her humans. Dogs are amazing and their will to love despite all they endure is everything. They just want to feel safe and secure.
This afternoon, Drew received her first bath at the veterinarian’s office. The staff was very gentle, and she must have enjoyed the medicated, warm, soothing soapy water gently massaged into her itchy skin. She was so relaxed, the staff smiled as she leaned into everyone; just wanting attention and those soothing, gently rubs.
Drew has arrived at her foster home, and everyone has already fallen in love with her.
We will be updating, and we are sure her transformation will be amazing!
To help Drew:
Website –
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
To foster:
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