In Cleveland, Texas, an innocent puppy was spotted lying in a field on Sunday; tragically two other deceased dogs were found nearby. It was suspected the puppy may have been poisoned. Sadly, there are heartless people in the area making jokes about poisoning dogs.
ThisIsHouston stepped forward to help and give this dog a chance. Their veterinarian expenses and the lack of foster homes have stalled rescue efforts, however no one had reached out to save this dog; he had been lying in the field for several hours crying out in pain and needing help.
We aren’t sure if Nicolas is going to survive, but we’re giving him a chance and the staff will do all they can for him. We weren’t really in the position to intake another dog, but nobody else was stepping up and he’d been laying there crying for several hours.
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Dubbed Nicolas, the soaking wet puppy was rushed to the emergency veterinarian emergency room where his temperature registered low at 95 degrees; he was lateral and comatose upon arrival. His stomach was full of fluid, and a tube was placed to relieve the fluid and pressure. His right eye appeared ulcerated as was his right ear.
Initial bloodwork tests look fairly normal except for sodium levels. He likely was dehydrated or ate something he should not have ingested. His prognosis remained guarded.
Early morning Monday update stated Nicolas made it through the night, however he remains in a coma. A statement from the veterinarian hospital indicates he continues to fight for his life:
Since his arrival we’ve been monitoring him very closely and so far he’s remained quite critical, even though he is not declining at this point. He has been laterally recumbent and minimally responsive, from a mentation standpoint, however his body has been able to maintain his vitals in normal ranges. We can’t quite predict how things will go from here, but we’ll give him all the medical care and TLC we can to help him on this journey.
The veterinarian hospital estimates $8-10K for at least 3-4 days of hospitalization. Please help give Nicolas a chance. Hoping to get photos soon, but this video was taken when he arrived: