More than 3 million views at Niagara Falls shelter for Bugsby and still no home


Last Thursday was an exciting day for Bugsby, and spending the day with Deputy Hall, a member of the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department, was the best time this adorable and deserving pooch could ever have – that is except for a family of her own one day soon.

According to the Niagara SPCA, Deputy Hall felt it time to intervene and help spread Bugsby’s plight, because it’s been a “real crime, not an attempted jailbreak, but almost 3 million views and not a single meet and greet for Bugsby.”

So, what does a crime-stopping copper do? He tries to remedy that situation, of course, and takes Bugsy on a fieldtrip to a burger “joint” where Bugsy gets a cheeseburger on the house, and then to our friends at Blackwinds where they let her pick out any toy she wants. All while the scene is captured through the lens of rescue-loving, local photographer, Jessica Popovich.


Even though there are some adorable photos of Bugsby and Deputy Hall in this special article, you can see more on the shelter’s Facebook page. Perhaps the cutest moment is when Deputy Hall pulls up to the Burger King order window and identifies himself as being with the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office, and that he has one of the department’s “regulars” with him. At first the employee at Burger King is confused, but as Bugsby peeked out the window with her adorable doggy grin, it all made sense.

And her day wasn’t over yet. There was the toy store and lots of toys to sniff through. There were sweet children, all too happy to make a new friend with Bugsby, and there was an afternoon full of meeting new people, making new friends and enjoying a few moments of what it could be like being part of a loving family.

And she deserves a lifetime of these moments. Can we all just wish Bugsby’s new family “to be” sees this beautiful day of canine bliss, along with the kindness of Deputy Hall helping all of us to get to know this four-legged furry bundle of cuteness and joy.

Bugsy is six-years-old, a medium sized dog, very obviously loyal and obedient, dog friendly, people friendly; just no kitties for this girl.

716-731-4368: ext 0 to meet Bugsy.

Please share this sweetheart’s plight with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives.

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