At a rural shelter in Texas, an emaciated young dog arrived filled with open sores, infected eyes and covered in mange. The young Doberman was in so much pain he could neither stand nor sit without crying out for help. Had Rescue Dogs Rock NYC.org not come to his rescue, Billy would have been humanely euthanized.
That same Saturday evening, less than a week ago, Billy was rushed to the organization’s partner veterinarian hospital where he is slowly making progress.
The rescue of Billy, however is not the end of the story. Not long after Billy was being made comfortable at the hospital, a video was sent to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. There were more dogs in that same shelter cage; more dogs who looked just as neglected, and more dogs who needed help immediately.
“Another case of leaving dogs behind !We were alerted to this video after we already rescued Billy. You can see Billy in the video but he was also surrendered with 2 other large dogs , who also are victims of severe abuse and neglect . They are also in horrible medical condition.Once we found out about this situation , we immediately contacted the shelter and said we would take the other 2 …”, the rescue posted on their Facebook page as more life-saving efforts were being arranged.

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