A Labrador retriever/pit bull mix described as Sherri Storoshenko’s best friend had wandered away from home in the Ocean Park neighborhood of South Surrey nine days ago. Her owner couldn’t just call her name hoping she wasn’t out of earshot; Sheba was almost blind and deaf.
Sherri had been packing up to go camping when she let her two dogs out into the backyard. Shortly after, she noticed that Sheba was missing. Her other dog was still there. Sheba had never wandered away before, but her advanced age and lack of eyesight and hearing easily could have confused Sheba, and she just wandered away and couldn’t find her way home.
According to Global News, not only did Sherri put up lost dog posters across the area, she hired a professional pet finder who used bloodhounds to try and track Sheba. Sadly, Sheba was no where to be found.
“Lost my Sheba. She’s in ocean park by op pub when she got out please find her!!!…
She’s 16 quite deaf partially blind. Has a cyst on her left eyelid and mass on her side about ping pong sized. She has a tattoo on her ear. She was only missing 5-10 mins maximum at about 8:25 pm Thursday April 1.She is my everything.”
As Sherri slowly tried to accept the loss of her beloved dog, who she has been with since Sheba was just a puppy, what can only be described as a miracle, Sherri received a call from a woman, Nicole Lunde, and her boyfriend, Carl Martinez who said they had found the dog. The two had taken a drive on Saturday night to Crescent Beach in South Surrey to watch the sunset, however decided at the last minute to avoid the crowds and went to a nearby park.
That’s when the couple saw a dog sitting in a clearing as if she was waiting to be found. When they approached, Sheba was very calm. Carl carried her out of the area, and when they reached their car, they spied the nearby missing dog poster of Sheba.
“She’s home!!! I can’t believe it!!!
10 days in the bushes and she’s home I can’t believe it. Thank you so much to the couple who found her and carried her back.”
Except for having lost some weight and being dehydrated, Sheba survived her scary ordeal. And you guessed it – Sherri has no intentions of every letting her dog out of her sight.
Happy tails Sheba and Sherri.
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