At Fort Worth Animal Care and Control, a seven-year-old German shepherd was so heartbroken, he sat in the corner of his shelter cage for three days trembling and refusing to eat. Sargent was surrendered by his owner on July 28, 2021 for health issues, but also listed aggressive to animals, cats and strangers.

URGENT: Code Red – Sargent ID# A48322946 … 7yr old GSD cross, intact male. Surrendered due to owner was fearful but never acted aggressive. Very disassociated and nervous. Over time he has finally come out of his shell and is very ball motivated and finally taking treats from me as of last week and showed even greater improvement today. I feel he has only had one owner and has never had to trust anyone else. I feel he will be a great dog in the right and experienced family!
Fort Worth Animal Care & Control
Sargent has not been tested with other dogs or children. He will need extensive time to decompress in a quiet home. He has been working with a trainer who sees a lot of potential for this beautiful dog.
More about Sargent:
“Enjoys tennis balls, going for walks, squeaky toys. He jumps on people and furniture.”
Fort Worth Animal Care & Control
Contact Fort Worth Animal Care and Control located at 4900 Martin Street, Fort Worth, Texas.
Email: FWACCTAG@Fort WorthTexas.gov
It is important everyone read the following. It was written by a rescuer. Don’t blame the shelters; this is the reality for so many dogs:
“I feel helpless I want everyone to read this sentence before they turn away…. Since MAY 1st /2021 Fort Worth Animal Shelter has RECEIVED 4,687 dogs, yes just DOGS and read that number again 4,687 dogs were found as strays or surrendered to the shelter that is 115 days days averaging 41 dogs a day were brought into the shelter!!!
They are full and these dogs will die sadly. I have ZERO room I can not even place a puppy, but this is the reality and this is just one shelter in the metroplex! Think again when you adopt make sure you are committing for the long haul!! These animals will be euthanized tomorrow 8/24/2021 at 9 am location FWACC
This is NOT because FWACC is a terrible shelter. This is because our community has decided it is easier to surrender their pet then take the responsibility and keep it. Take a long look at all 28 animals because they have been failed by humans. Some were never properly socialized and ended up having behavior issues. Some never received medical care needed. Some are SENIORS that were dumped because it’s more of a burden to care for an elderly animal than people care to take on.
These 28 animals were seen as possessions instead of living breathing creatures that depend on us humans to be responsible. Their ID is listed in the caption of each picture. PLEASE consider helping one of them….I know some are now past the point of being helped due to behavior, but there are some that may be able to be saved.
This is not the shelter’s fault. so do not contact them saying they are killers, the community as a whole is who should be labeled as “killer”. A shelter is just where the animals end up once they have no where else to go.
If you can help any of these pets, please contact the shelter through email at [email protected] or visit them at 4900 Martin Street Fort Worth, Texas 76119 12PM-6 PM 7 days a week. Fort Worth Community, do better, stop being a huge disappointment, we rescues are tired of cleaning up your mess.”
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