In an unusual case, the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services reported finding a defenseless doe-eyed pup painted blue and hiding under a Good Samaritan’s car on Monday. The scared dog allowed the kind woman to pick her up and take her home where the woman reported to 311 the dog named Baby was in need of help.

Animal services officers do not know why anyone would have harmed the dog by painting her blue, but doing so is illegal and inhumane in some parts of Texas; although not in San Antonio.
Animal Care Officer Bennett had been investigating this case of alleged mistreatment and was able to contact the dog’s family. On April 10, the dog’s owner had let the dog out in the yard to relieve herself, and the dog disappeared shortly after that; when he called for Baby to come back into the house. At the time, Baby was not painted blue.
Baby had been missing for three days, and during that time, someone painted her blue. It is not known why it was done.

Thankfully, we were able to reunite Mr. C and Baby this past Friday. According to Mr. C, removing the paint from Baby is still a work in progress, but Baby is delighted to be back at home with her furry sibling. While we may never know who painted Baby in this cruel manner, we are glad we were able to help her find her way home! If you see mistreatment of a pet, we ask you to please report it to 3-1-1.
Facebook City of San Antonio Animal Care Services
Luckily, Baby was microchipped which made in easier to reunite her with her family.
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