A homeless teenage boy who lived under a bridge in Tate County walked his four-month-old dog all the way to the Senatobia-Tate County Animal Shelter and asked the staff if they would please take his dog because he could not afford to keep her. The devoted puppy kept herself pinned to the young man’s legs while he was at the shelter filling out the forms for her surrender.
After the 17-year-old filled out the surrender forms, information about him was passed on to people who would be able to help. Meanwhile the heartbreaking photo of the dog, named Jada, quickly went viral. Offers to help the teen and his dog quickly went viral.
This is where she layed (sic) after her owner surrendered her today with her plastic bag of dog food and a blanket. She is devastated.
Although we do not know where the teen had been living or the circumstances involved prompting the youngster to leave his home, the Senatobia Police Department, along with the help of several community members, found him. The next day he was able to procure a place to stay and was reunited with his four-month-old puppy.

According to the shelter, when the teen entered, Jada ran up and jumped on him. The youth had a huge smile on his face, and the two are being cared for now and are able to continue working on their lives.
What could be a better outcome – one homeless teenager has a safe place to be and can go back to school and one puppy who doesn’t have to be in a shelter and with the person she loves the most in this world?
Read previous coverage here.
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