At the San Antonio Animal Care Services, a five-year-old miniature poodle has seemingly lived his short life deprived of essential care. How does any dog owner look at this sweet dog everyday- matted so badly that his skin has become irritated and sore?
This morning we are sharing his story with hopes that someone will see this boy and reach out to help.
PetHarbor adoption listing:
BUTTERS – ID#A635914
I am a male, white Poodle – Miniature blend. I have a possible rescue group waiting for me. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I was found and I am currently at San Antonio Animal Care Services.
Butters will need confirmed adoption, foster or rescue placement by 10:00 am on April 23, 2022.
Connect with ACS
Please share this dog’s plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. For more information about this animal, visit San Antonio Animal Care Services. Ask for information about animal ID number: A635914.
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