“One-Eyed Joe,” as the cat had been affectionately named after residing at the Peterhead Prison in Aberdeenshire, Scotland for the last five years, really has a home. Thought to have been a stray, it seems that no one ever thought to check him for a microchip to find out he had been someone’s treasured kitty.
According to a news release by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA), the cat had been picked up from an offshore shipping container near Scotland and given “a personal helicopter ride back to shore.” No one has any clue as to why or how the cat, really named Dexter, ended up where he was found, but the good news is that he is safe and back home.
The shipping container where the cat had been found ended up on an oil rig, and the crew called out to the rescue organization for help.

The cat had been nicknamed “One-Eyed Joe” by the prison who had been feeding him for five years, but after checking him for a microchip, it turns out his real name is Dexter, and he has been missing for five years.
Aimee Findlay for the SSPCA
Dexter’s owner, Bridie Dorta was “quite shocked” to be reunited with her cat. It turned out that Dexter had been well-cared for these last five years too. Welcome home kitty.
(Photos SSPCA news release)
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