Six-year-old Goldendoodle, Gus is being hailed as a hero. Even after he had to have a leg amputated in February fighting cancer, and his family had no idea if he would ever swim again, the brave pooch jumped into a Minnesota river on April 17 and saved a baby otter from drowning.
According to CbsMinnesota, Gus’ back leg had to be removed after a checkup when veterinarians found a tumor. His family had been worried that their dog, who has a special zest for swimming and running wouldn’t be happy, but as dogs so often do, they show us humans how life is to be lived to the fullest – each and every day.

And so on Easter Sunday, Gus and his family had been outdoors near the St. Croix River, when the dog swam out at least 50 feet from shore. Moments later he swam back to shore and dropped a tiny otter at the feet of his family who immediately washed the sand off and rushed him to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.
According to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (WRC), the river otter was too young to be in the water.
It should still be in the den with its mom. Having no idea where the den is, how far the little guy traveled, the otter has been admitted for rehabilitation.
We were quite concerned the first 36 hours – he was cold to the touch at admit and we didn’t know if he’d aspirated water, which could result in pneumonia. The otter turned the corner the other day and is doing well.
Kudos to Gus, and his wonderful owners Cleo and John, for saving this young otter’s life.
WRC Facebook

The baby otter has since been transferred to another rehabilitation center for additional care.
You’re a hero Gus!
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