Her name is Juliet, and this poor little one needed a hero. If a dog ever broke your heart, it had to be Juliet; her brief video told her story.

Juliet had been at Acadia Parish Animal Control in Crowley, Louisiana for the last two weeks. Since her arrival she tried her best to disappear in the rear of her kennel cage. The stress, confusion and loud noises had been too much for Juliet, and she remained in a state of isolating terror.
And on Sunday, Lostboy Sanctuary thanked everyone for sharing her heartbreaking story. No doubt Juliet knew she had been rescued.

The second she came out of her kennel we were telling all of the other pups they will be next as she pranced on out.
Lostboy Sanctuary

Juliet is about two-and-a-half-years-old and is a mixed breed. Until social media and generous pet rescuers became involved, she was just another frightened dog who so easily could have been overlooked and euthanized for space.

After her quarantine and destressing time, she will be heading to Take Paws Rescue.
(Please note that Lostboy Sanctuary volunteers shares the plights of these dogs to help them find homes; otherwise the euthanasia rate at the small shelter could rise to 80%.)
For more information, click here.
(Photos: Lostboy Sanctuary Facebook)
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Baby donkey has a cute case of the zoomies 😉