Update 4/29/2022: Confirmed ACS placement hold – SAFE!
A young puppy named Mandi is in need of help in Texas. The nine-week-old mixed breed puppy was found and taken to the San Antonio Animal Care Services facility with a severe eye injury. In her intake photo, you can see that one of her eyes has bulged out of the socket.

It appears that Mandi’s eye has been surgically removed, but she needs to be rescued or adopted so she can recover outside of the animal control environment. You can help save Mandi’s life by sharing her adoption information.
Find her adoption link here.
Located At: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Description: I am a female, white and tan Labrador Retriever blend.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 9 weeks old.
More Info: I was found and am I currently at San Antonio Animal Care Services. If you believe you may be my owner please make arrangements to pick me up as soon as possible by 2pm on 04/20/2022. I will need confirmed adoption, foster or rescue placement by 10 am on 04/21/2022.
Data Updated: This information was refreshed 51 minutes ago.
Shelter information
Location: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Website: sanantonio.gov/animalcare
Address: 4710 State Highway 151
San Antonio, TX 78227
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